Reverend Keith Vincent
Associate Pastor
About Reverend Keith Vincent:
Biographical Information
Birthdate/Birthplace: October 13, 1955; Baltimore, MD
Reared: Woodland, a suburb of Baltimore, MD
Master of Church Music Degree:
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary,Louisville, KY 1979
Minor: Ministry with an emphasis in Christian Education
Bachelor of Science:
Frostburg State College, Frostburg, MD 1977
Major: Music Education
Performing Instrument: Piano
Ministry Background
Mt. Airy Baptist Church - Mt. Airy, MD
Pastor - 1999 - present
Colgate Baptist Church - Dundalk, MD
Pastor - November 1993 - 1999
Colgate Baptist Church - Dundalk, MD
Interim Pastor - March 1993-Nov 1993
Seventh Baptist Church - Baltimore, MD
Associate Pastor: Education/Music
August 1991 - February 1993
Woolford Memorial Baptist Church - Dundalk, MD
Minister of Music and Youth
February 1980 - August 1991
Woolford Memorial Baptist Church - Dundalk, MD
Interim Pastor - June 1989 - Oct 1989
Ordained: February 15, 1981
By Woolford Memorial Baptist Church
Denominational/Civic Involvement
Baltimore Baptist Association Committees:
Youth - Student Ministry Program
Baltimore Baptist Association Committees:
Youth - Student Ministry Program
Ruxton Manor Nursing Home
Worship Leader, 1988 - 1993
Musicians on Mission
Iowa - October 1987
Indiana - April 1988
State Evangelism Conference - Senior Adult Festival
State Ministers Conference -Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware Annual Meeting
Singing Churchmen of Maryland/Delaware
1981 - 1986
Dundalk Area Youth Ministry Council
1989 - 1991