Sunday Worship - 8:30am & 11am
Join us on Sunday mornings at 8:30am for a traditional worship service and 11:00am for a blended worship (blend of traditional and contemporary). Childcare is provided for all morning activities. Children's Church for children 4 years through 3rd grade is offered during the 11am service.
Children's Church - during 11am service
Children's Church for children 4 years through 2nd grade is offered during the 11am service.
Sunday School - 9:45am - 10:45am
Our Sunday School offers Bible study and learning activities for men, women and children of all ages from infant to senior adult. These small groups are designed to encourage discussion and fellowship as well as ministry opportunities. Sunday School meets from 9:45-10:45 with hot coffee, warm fellowship and lively discussion!
Wednesday Evening - 7pm - 8pm
Wednesday evenings are family nights at Mt. Airy Baptist Church with activities available for everyone! We have an on-going book or Bible study for adults, a student/youth ministry for teens, and "Team KIDS" for children ages 3yrs - 5th grade. Childcare is also provided for children younger than 3 years.
INCLEMENT WEATHER POLICY: Mt. Airy Baptist Church follows the Frederick County Public Schools Inclement Weather Policies. If schools are closed in Frederick County or the State Emergency Plan is in effect all church activities are cancelled and the church office will also be closed. Timely updates may be obtained on this website (homepage), or on the recorded message at 301-829-2185.