“But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” – Acts 1:8
Mt. Airy Baptist Church eagerly supports and/or participates in the following missions projects:
Care Net Pregnancy Center - Participation in annual fundraisers (filling baby bottles w/ money, "Walk for Life", annual fundraising dinner, donating baby items, and raising abortion awareness through Sanctity of Human Life Sunday.
Operation Christmas Child - providing gifts for children in need around the world through Samaritan's Purse.
Frederick Rescue Mission - This ministry provides food and shelter for homeless individuals, as well as other services.
Lottie Moon Offering for International Missions
Mt. Airy Net Food Pantry - we collect food items for the local food pantry
Annie Armstrong Mission Offering- for the North American Missionaries
Mt. Airy Baptist Church offers a portion of our tithes & offerings in support of the following missions:
Mid-Maryland Baptist Association - Churches, like ours, in Carroll and Howard County voluntarily cooperate and jointly fund a host missions projects. An example of this is our series of Hurricane Katrina Relief projects.
SBC Cooperative Program - This is the combined effort of over 43,000 Southern Baptist Churches to fund our two missionary sending agencies, our six seminaries, our Ethics and Religious Liberty Commissions, and our other national and worldwide missions endeavors. This is divided between our Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware and the SBC Executive Committee. The Executive Committee then divides the national portion by using a pre-approved formula.
Baptist Child and Family Services - This organization meets needs of families needing various kinds of assistance as well as children's services.
Care Net Pregnancy Center - This pro-life, pro-family organization helps Frederick County residents who have unintended pregnancies in their decision-making process to choose life over abortion. Other services are also provided.
Gideons International - Christian businessmen distributing Bibles & New Testaments throughout the world.
Good News Jail & Prison Ministry - This Westminster-based ministry takes the Gospel into the local jail. It employs a chaplain who oversees the organization's various ministries.
Mt. Airy Net - This is a local benevolence organization that centralizes financial, food and other assistance to the needy in the Mt. Airy community.
South Asia Project Support - This is an intentional effort to take the Gospel message into this spiritually needy part of the world. This is above and beyond our Cooperative Program giving.
Disaster Relief Response - This allows our church to provide for the travel and other requirements for those from our church who minister to those undergoing the tragedy of a national disaster.