Worshiping our Lord must be at the core of the life of the Christian. We are committed to providing opportunities for our congregation to worship our great God in spirit and in truth. Therefore we strive for excellence in our musicianship while also stressing Biblical truth in words and integrity of the heart in our musical offerings.
Music Ministries
The Worship Choir leads the congregation in worship at the 11am service and on special occasions such as seasonal events and other evening worship experiences. Rehearsals are Wednesday evening from 7-8pm.
Joyful Noise is for children from 4 years - 6th grade. Music that they prepare may occasionally be shared in our 11am worship. Rehearsals are Wednesdays at 6:15pm.
The Praise Band accompanies our congregation as we sing contemporary chorus/hymns and new arrangements of the great hymns of the church. They play at the 11am service and other special worship times. Included in the ensemble is guitar, bass, drums and keyboard.
The Praise Team leads our congregation as we sing contemporary chorus/hymns and new arrangements of the great hymns of the church at the 11am service and other special worship times. Rehearsals are Wednesdays at 8pm.